The Johnny Castle famous page

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 staring Johnny Castle

Rising Star

(323) 281-1643

NEW!! Check out my new ALI demo movie!

Thanks you John Stonebraker and TP Video Productions for helping me make it


Hi my name is Johnny Castle and I am an actor. I have been acting ever since I was a kid and I want to make it int he movies.

I can act pretty good and I've got the confedence and good attitude to make it in hollywood.

So if you know any producers please send them to my website and tell them to look at my demo movie which Ron Murray helped me to make and have them check out my resume also.

Also if you want to know what I'm doing and how to be an actor you can join my fan club. I really hope taht if I get enough people interrested in my website someone will know a producer who can use me in there movies.